As I walked into meeting room in 2017, a genuine smile greeted me. While I smiled & tried to refresh my memory, quiet a few questions were racing in my mind:
- Do I know him? Why is he smiling as if he knows me well?
- Is he an employee or a contractor?
- Why is he trying to be nice to me?
When I started my professional career 2 decades ago, one of the definitions of professionalism was seriousness. In general, seriousness is associated with strength, seriousness is associated with intelligence, seriousness is associated with results.
We were in the storming phase of a large initiative & we were building a large team with new members. As I had just traveled back and as it was a large meeting with a regular cadence, we didn't get introduced during the meeting. Soon I met Sudheer Ravella & I understood that he is a Business Analyst in our department. We started working together as he was part of our cross functional team.
I always believed and practiced that professionalism is not anti-human. Few characteristics that should exemplify our professionalism in thoughts, words & actions are:
- Integrity - no compromise on ethics
- Equilibrium - in good & bad times
- Competence - be on top of our game
- Confidence - in the known & unknown
- Commitment - for results
A genuine smile starts from the heart & connects to the hearts of humanity
Seriousness term in professionalism is used to keep the focus but not to ban smiles.
If professionalism is not built with humanity, we know that the career will not last long
As I observed Sudheer, apart from the sincere efforts he puts at work, I could see that he interacts with anyone he comes across even if they are not remotely related to what we do at work. He instantly connects to someone working in the same floor if he meets them in pantry, the chef or the cashier in the cafeteria, etc. We in team think that he is secretly planning to be the next mayor. He knows all people he interacts by their name (not just a hi/bye), not just to kill time but to understand & keeps the tone of interaction upbeat. People who work with him are also ready to go the extra mile (beyond contractual obligations); support him to accomplish our Product goals. He starts all this with a genuine smile.
Smiling is not giving up our our guards:
Our smile is an intent expressed that I trust
- An intent that I choose to trust first, until it's broken.
Smile says that we still have hope in humanity
- Our smile shows that we are interested in genuine connections.
Our smile shows the inner state of our being despite the challenges we might be facing
- Our smile says that we can add positive value.
Our instincts tell us not to trust someone if the smile is not genuine; in the same way our instincts tell us to trust someone if their smile is genuine.
If you haven't realized yet, trust is the biggest asset; it can start with a genuine smile!
Due to reorg, Sudheer has been reporting to me for more than a year now. As I have been coaching him, it has been a delight watching him learn our business/application-implementation everyday & becoming an indispensable team player.
I am glad that Sudheer is now successfully transitioning to Product Management job family in our Lowe's Canada Digital space.